Monday, December 13, 2010

Programming using Scripting Languages

It might seem like I'm digressing from my "data-centric" focus, but, really, I don't think so.  I have had to write  scripts to automate many "data-centric" tasks over the years; most of these scripts contained embedded SQL for data manipulation (DML).  Many of these scripts were automated by using UNIX cron, Windows AT, or some other scheduler. For example:

  • Transfer data files from one location to another
  • Load data files directly into database staging tables
  • Extract data to create data files to be sent to clients or vendors using FTP
  • Create reports
  • Data migration from mainframe to regional client/server databases.
Granted, these tasks were done before modern CASE tools took over many of these tasks, but you still might need to do some tasks like these on an impromptu, urgent basis.  Or maybe the client doesn't have one of the CASE tools and doesn't want to spend the money to get one - just do it!

On UNIX systems, I suggest learning Korn Shell (ksh).  You will be surprised at how robust a programming language this is.  Now I know some people will say it is not a "programming" language because it isn't compiled, but the skills needed to write good scripts are the same as those needed to write good compiled programs.  Compiling a program is done to make it run faster and there are programs that will compile ksh scripts, such as shc.

Another favorite of mine is Perl.  It can be written for both UNIX and Windows systems (as well as many others) with little change needed between systems so it is quite portable.  Perl scripts can be compiled, too, using commercial programs such as Perl2EXE.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kimball or Inmon?

The debate goes on as to whether Kimball's or Inmon's philosophy on data warehouses is best. But here is a fresh perspective, by Bill Inmon himself.